Minimizing Communication Cost in Wireless Sensor Networks to Avoid Packet Retransmission


T. Padmapriya
N. Dhivya
U. Udhayamathi


Introducing n number of source nodes and 2k relay nodes to reduce the number of packet retransmissions by identifying the shortest path to minimize the communication cost. We model the optimal relay nodes topology problem allowing for simultaneous optimization of the relay nodes locations and traffic through the network, so that the overall number of packet retransmissions is minimized. Exploiting convexity in a special case of the network communication cost function, introduce an optimal algorithm for the relay nodes. However, the algorithm is exponential on the number of relay nodes in the network. Propose a practical heuristic algorithm for relay nodes and compare relay node numerically to the optimal algorithm. It shows that relay nodes achieves the optimal or almost optimal solutions. To implement the relay nodes in the NS2 software. The relay nodes topologies generated by relay nodes to eliminate overhead communication cost almost entirely. There is no loss in data transmission by increasing the relay nodes.


How to Cite
T. Padmapriya, N. Dhivya, & U. Udhayamathi. (2022). Minimizing Communication Cost in Wireless Sensor Networks to Avoid Packet Retransmission. IIRJET, 2(Special Issue ICEIET). Retrieved from (Original work published June 11, 2022)