Multifactor Authentication to Enhance Security in Banking System


Shivam Kumar
Agilandeeswari L
Muralibabu K


In modern era, online technologies are growing so fast. Every companies use networking to replace their works in online, which in contrary the chances of stealing data also increases. To secure the data of most important industry which is backbone of any country like bank, defence where data is the main asset we need highly secure interface which protect system unauthorized access. Bank is the important industry of any country so the data of each customer need to be protected from intruders. Intruders can steal data of either any particular customer and steal all money of that customer, or they can steal the employee username and password and instead of that employee intruder access the system which is very formidable for bank. Mostly bank uses username and password to authenticate their employee to enter into system. But it is not significant as many incidents have shown that these authentications are easily broken by intruder. This paper proposes the multifactor authentication using face recognitions and biometrics to enhance security in banking systems.
The experimental result on multiple databases shows the increased accuracy


How to Cite
Shivam Kumar, Agilandeeswari L, & Muralibabu K. (2022). Multifactor Authentication to Enhance Security in Banking System. IIRJET, 2(Special Issue ICEIET). Retrieved from