Secure Data Transmission With Multiple Key Management In Cloud Environment


Santhi Baskaran
A. Isaiarasi


In cloud computing Off-Site data storage is an application that relieves the customers from focusing on data storage in computing organization. In cloud, outsourcing data to multiple party organizations control leads to serious security concerns. Data leakage can ascend due to attacks caused by unauthorized users. However, security is a huge concern for cloud users. In existing work File Assured Deletion (FADE) technique was used for file removal from cloud storage when user requested for deletion. Therefore, it fell short on serious security concerns of keys and authentication of linking parties. To overcome the problem of man in the middle attack between Key Manager and client, we propose an algorithm to enhance Data Security for Cloud Environment with Semi-Trusted Third Party. This data security system that provides key management, access control and file confident deletion. This delivers security for cloud data storage through a proper key management system with multiple key managers using Shamir’s key sharing technique. Also the policy file encryption is done using Elgamal algorithm for secure data transmission.


How to Cite
Santhi Baskaran, & A. Isaiarasi. (2022). Secure Data Transmission With Multiple Key Management In Cloud Environment. IIRJET, 2(Special Issue ICEIET). Retrieved from