Attack Awareness and Detection in Optical Networks using Zone based Hierarchial Link State Routing and Linear Network Coding


S.Salmon Raj
Rohit Peri
P.Praveen Kumar


The use of optical networks has become increasingly important in supporting the rapidly growing and evolving global network traffic intensity in a cost-efficient manner. Due to which maintenance of security in optical network becomes a major priority. Due to the high data rates in optical networks which cause the physical-layer attacks. This attack can lead to financial losses to the clients or cause network-wide service disruption, possibly leading to huge data and revenue losses for network operators. Attacks which aim towards disruption of service generally involve insertion of malicious signals or power jamming which can propagate along configured connections causing serious damage. Conventional network survivability approach definitely has led to the detection of malicious node but not helped in it’s removal .In this paper we have taken the characteristics of attack groups into consideration and make modifications to the dedicated path protection scheme by incorporating the concept of Zone Based Hierarchical Link State(ZHLS) routing with digital signature where zone network topology was established which help in detection of malicious node along the discovered path remove it and reconstructs the path. Further there was no occurrence of network traffic. To further strengthen the impact of reliability in optical transmission the concept of Linear Network Coding(LNC) was incorporated.


How to Cite
P.Boobalan, S.Salmon Raj, Rohit Peri, & P.Praveen Kumar. (2022). Attack Awareness and Detection in Optical Networks using Zone based Hierarchial Link State Routing and Linear Network Coding. IIRJET, 2(Special Issue ICEIET). Retrieved from