Image Encryption Using DNA Cryptography And Cellular Automata


S.Nandhini Devi


An image encryption scheme based on DNA cryptography and Cellular Automaton is presented. DNA Cryptography is a new technique in which DNA is used as an Information carrier. Cellular Automata in which patterns generally stabilize into homogeneity, in which patterns evolve into mostly stable or oscillating structures. In Cellular Automata, patterns evolve in a seemingly chaotic fashion, in which patterns become extremely complex and may last for a long time, with stable local structures. . These qualities are most impressive in these technology which help us to provide a highly secured security system for the users. There are limitations in most of the encryption techniques based on the cellular automata. To overcome this problem, we propose a DNA cryptography algorithm with cellular automata to make the system work in a more secured manner. First, a partially encrypted image is obtained by encrypting the pixels with DNA sequence such as adenine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine . At this stage the image is prone to attack. So to make the system more secure second level encryption is done. This is done by using the rules of Cellular Automata to get the more secure encrypted image.


How to Cite
S.Saraswathi, Ch.Rushmitha, S.Dhivya@Thirupurasundari, S.Nandhini Devi, & P.Revathi. (2022). Image Encryption Using DNA Cryptography And Cellular Automata. IIRJET, 2(Special Issue ICEIET). Retrieved from