Faster Encryption and Decryption Scheme for Visual Cryptography Using Error Diffusion and Segmentation


V. Saranraj
B. Ramathilagam


A faster and easier color visual cryptography encryption method is introduced which produces meaningful color shares. Color shares are produced via half toning. Visual Cryptography uses the idea of hiding secrets within images .Before the encryption process, the secret image which is to be encrypted on to the shares is divided equally into four segments. These four segments are all equal in size and each segmented image is called a message image. Error diffusion is a simple and efficient algorithm for image halftone generation. The partitioned message images are to be interpolated to match with the size of half toned share images. These images are encoded into multiple shares and later decoded without any computation. The decrypted images are to be decimated to obtain the original message images. The four message images retrieved so are concatenated to obtain the secret image.


How to Cite
V. Saranraj, & B. Ramathilagam. (2022). Faster Encryption and Decryption Scheme for Visual Cryptography Using Error Diffusion and Segmentation. IIRJET, 2(Special Issue ICEIET). Retrieved from