Sentiment Analysis On Micro-blogs


S. Prasath Sivasubramanian
N. Suganya


Online Micro-blogging used for finding opinions about certain entity in very short messages. Millions of users share their opinions about different content. Some of the micro-blog names are twitter, facebook, etc,. twitter is one of the most widely used micro-blogging site where people share their opinions in the form of tweets. Twitter is rich source for sentiment analysis. Sentiment analysis is a process of analyzing polarity of those opinions and categorize them into positive, negative and neutral. Here, SVM and lexicon based approaches are used to find the sentiment polarity of the given text.


How to Cite
S. Prasath Sivasubramanian, & N. Suganya. (2022). Sentiment Analysis On Micro-blogs. IIRJET, 2(Special Issue ICEIET). Retrieved from