Non Vibration and Safe Electromagnetic Regnerative Suspension Lift Design (MAGLIF)


Raghu M


This project is to focus on to design an electromagnetic lift based on the principle of electromagnetic levitation. MAGLIF (magnetic lift) According to the above principle the lift moves up and down due to the magnetic field produced on either side of the lift. The magnetic field is produced from the magnetic coils placed around the lift. Proper power supply is given to the coils to produce the magnetic field. An additional generator supply can be given to the magnetic coil in case of power failure. The magnetic coils attached along the sides of the lift will produce magnetic flux around certain area and the followed embedded design is to make an magnetic levitation to maintain the lift.


How to Cite
S.Suresh, & Raghu M. (2022). Non Vibration and Safe Electromagnetic Regnerative Suspension Lift Design (MAGLIF). IIRJET, 1(2).